Learning Reiki is easy and is excellent for one’s personal spiritual development, it enables self-love, self-healing. It connects you to the universe, opens up your intuition and psychic centres and allows you to feel more attuned to the energy and frequency around you and gives you the power to clear, cleanse and raise your frequency and vibration.


Even if you have never done any ‘energy work’ previously, Reiki 1 is the best place to start your self-healing journey. It helps you take control of your health and well-being.  It complements other healing systems including standard medical treatment.  It is a powerful tool for personal growth and improving your quality of life.

Course Outline:

  • History of Reiki and how it has changed over time
  • What is Reiki?
  • Five principles of Reiki
  • The benefits of Reiki
  • What is energy (and how to feel it)
  • Guided techniques to help you access your intuition
  • Learn and experience the benefits of regular meditation
  • Key information regarding the 7 main chakras/aura layers
  • Learn how to visualise the locations of the chakra energy systems in the body
  • Hand positions
  • Practicing Reiki
  • Conducting a Reiki Session
  • Setting up a quiet space to practice Reiki
  • Reiki 1 Attunement

It is a recommendation that you give yourself at least 21 consecutive days or 21 sessions of practicing on yourself before pursuing Reiki 2

* NOTE -  there is no pre-requisite for this course.

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Reiki 2 will take you deeper on your Reiki journey.  You will learn and be attuned to receive and use three sacred symbols for mental, emotional and distant healing.  You can also use the symbols to heal past trauma and for future events.

Reiki 2 benefits self-healing or healing others by assisting in healing relationships; relieving pain and stress; enhancing your memory; getting rid of addictions; clearing and releasing self-sabotaging patterns; helping with insomnia/sleep disturbances; releasing fears, phobias, anxiety and depression.  You can send Reiki energy anywhere in the world, even when you cannot be physically present.

You will also learn how to become a practitioner*.

Course Outline:

  • Learn, memorise and practice the sacred Reiki symbols
  • Important cleansing, protection and grounding/centering practices
  • Practice giving and receiving Reiki (to a participant in the group)
  • Meeting your special Reiki guides and accessing different levels of consciousness
  • The Reiki 2 Attunement
  • Explore multiple methods to perform distant healings, group distant healings, sending healing to the past or future
  • You will also learn programming Reiki, intentional Reiki, Reiki box, healing relationships and past memories, healing grief or loss of a deceased person, healing of struggles and tensions, healing things you withhold, energy circulation, beaming etc
  • Learn how to heal unwanted patterns and manifest your goals
  • Discussing how crystals and other vibrational remedies can be used to enhance your sessions both as a practitioner and for your clients
  • After Reiki 2 you will be accredited and eligible to apply for liability insurance to start treating and charging Reiki clients for sessions
  • Responsibility and ethics when becoming a Reiki practitioner
  • Ongoing support and a community to grow and practice with

* NOTE –Prerequisite for this course is Reiki One

  • It is a recommendation that you give yourself at least 6-12 months of regular Reiki 2 practice, before pursuing Reiki 3 – Personal Mastery
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Reiki 3 relates to self-mastery.  It is a ‘way of life’ and becomes so embodied by you, that it becomes who you are.  It is a process of living, learning and stepping into a life that reflects inner strength and power.  It is learning love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of others.  It is being true to yourself, loving yourself unconditionally and giving yourself a chance to look within and discover your inner gifts and talents to share them with the world and at the same time, help you achieve your soul’s highest purpose.  Self-mastery empowers you to create the life you desire through your intentions, goals, choices and actions.

Course Outline

  • Quick recap of Reiki 1 and 2 (particularly if you have not done those courses with me)
  • Introduction to Reiki 3 - Reiki as a way of life
  • Learn Master & Non-Master Symbols and their meanings
  • The 3 pillars of Reiki
  • Techniques for giving Reiki: Byosen scanning, Psychic surgery, removal of negative energies and attachments
  • Reiki Master Attunement
  • The Reiki ethical code of conduct and practitioner requirements

*Note - It is a recommendation that you give yourself at least 1.5-2 years of practice/experience after learning Reiki 3 Master, before pursuing Reiki Teacher course.

I will commence offering REIKI MASTER TEACHER TRAINING in 2023.  Watch this space.

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