Numerology / Life Purpose Birth Chart

Not sure about what your Life Purpose or Path is?

Learn how your birthdate uncovers your Life Path Number, Name Number, your Peak numbers and Personal Years to form a blueprint unique to who you are.  Discover your talents and gifts, where challenges lie, your purpose and more.

A Numerology & Life Purpose Birth Chart Session can give you clarity, self-awareness and insight, and leave you feeling empowered, with clear direction, strength, determination and confidence to move forward in your life and discover your true potential.

School was stressful, and I had frequent panic attacks, particularly when I was unable to focus on my homework due to negative circumstances at home.  Through Hypnosis, Lynn helped me focus / concentrate on my homework and school tasks at hand.
Sleepless nights and sleep paralysis are a thing of the past! I was a little apprehensive at my first session of Reiki, but I began to sleep better and through the night from right after the first session.
I had a phobia (fear of the dark) for many years.  I experienced Lynn’s amazing healing techniques through both Regression and Hypnotherapy.  I would recommend Lynn to anyone looking for a positive change in their well-being.
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