Where souls go when they leave the physical body?

Over the last ten years, I have pondered on the difference between religion and spirituality, past lives, reincarnation/rebirth, karma (good and bad), guardian angels, spirit guides, higher souls and God.

I watch the news on TV and wonder how human beings can be so destructive to other human beings; the wars, the senseless killings of innocent infants and children, the fear that some of our supposed ‘leaders’ of the world spread by their egotistical and sometimes satirical ways. It has been going on for centuries! Is there justice in this crazy world we live in?

I’ve often tried to understand the meaning of it all, and where I fit in, in the whole scheme of things.

I got a lot of answers from a book called ‘Laws of the Spirit World’ by Khorshed Bhavnagri. The spirit world is where all Souls go to when they leave the physical body – the realm the soul goes to, can be different but the Soul will automatically know which realm it needs to go to.

An important message I took away from the book, was that in the end, the most important thing was to be a good human being on Earth and always follow the Godly Good Path; that I was solely responsible for my actions and that I could not blame God or anyone else for whatever came my way.  I am also learning the importance of selfless-service, controlling my mind, spreading of God’s knowledge and guiding and comforting people who requiring healing.

School was stressful, and I had frequent panic attacks, particularly when I was unable to focus on my homework due to negative circumstances at home.  Through Hypnosis, Lynn helped me focus / concentrate on my homework and school tasks at hand.
Sleepless nights and sleep paralysis are a thing of the past! I was a little apprehensive at my first session of Reiki, but I began to sleep better and through the night from right after the first session.
I had a phobia (fear of the dark) for many years.  I experienced Lynn’s amazing healing techniques through both Regression and Hypnotherapy.  I would recommend Lynn to anyone looking for a positive change in their well-being.
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